APM is a supplier of accurate measurements
APM’s customers are typically within the engineering industry in general, and the automotive industry and its subcontractors in particular. Since the mid-70s, when we started working with measurement and control fixtures, we have been a reliable supplier to Swedish, but also a number of European, subcontractors to the automotive industry.
Measurement and control fixtures
APM’s control fixture manufacturing covers both simpler and more advanced varieties in a range of materials. And always according to the customer’s objectives and specifications.
CNC milling
At APM, we can help you with milling tasks that require 3-axis or 5-axis machines. The work envelope of the largest 5-axis machine is X3000, Y1200, Z1000.
CMM measurement
APM carries out measurement assignments using three DEA coordinate machines with a maximum measurement range of Y2600, X1500, Z1350.